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Mayhew Proposes Acquisition of Old Forge & Carica Lines

Turners Falls, MA — (January 8, 2008) — Mayhew Steel Products and Ken-Tool are pleased to announce that Mayhew will acquire Ken-Tool’s OldForge and Carica product lines within the next few weeks. The transaction includes Ken-Tool’s manufacturing facility in New Wilmington, PA, plus trademark rights to the Oldforge and Carica brands and all products currently being manufactured and marketed by Ken-Tool under those brands. The Oldforge product line consists of pneumatic accessories and specialty tools and the Carica product line consists of telescoping and unique specialty tools.

John Lawless, president and owner of Mayhew Steel Products, said, “We are excited to acquire the equipment in the New Wilmington facility as well as the skilled workers who know their products and equipment so well.  Mayhew needs the added capacity to support our expansion and growth in our automotive aftermarket product lines.”

Ken-Tool’s owner and president, Alec Pendleton, said, “This move assures that Ken-Tool can focus its future on improving the manufacturing and development of our core tire service equipment and hand tool product lines.  Every effort will be made to ensure that this transfer to Mayhew will not disrupt the supply of Oldforge and Carica products to our customers.” 

Established in 1856, Mayhew Tools is the world’s leading manufacturer of professional quality punches, chisels, pry bars and specialty automotive tools.  With facilities in Turners Falls and Shelburne Falls, MA, Mayhew Tools is a key OEM and Distributor supplier to the Automotive, Industrial, Construction and Hardware Markets.  Bill Fletcher, Vice President Sales & Marketing said, “This is an outstanding opportunity for Mayhew to both expand our product offering to our established account base and to introduce the complete line of Mayhew Tools to a host of new accounts.”

Ken-Tool is the world’s leading manufacturer of hand tools for tire service.  Headquartered in Akron, Ohio, Ken-Tool has been providing the tire industry and automotive aftermarket with quality products for over 85 years.

This acquisition is targeted for February 1, 2008.  Customers, vendors and other parties affected by this transaction will be notified directly with transition plans.

For media inquiries, or to request images, please contact Mariellen Fagan, Communications Director, Crowl, Montgomery & Clark, at, or 330-494-6999, ext. 201.

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